Meet some of the First Nations in BC who support responsible LNG development:

For the Wet’suwet’en Nation
A natural-gas pipeline means benefits that include training and revenue. But there’s also an unusual benefit: cultural revival and reinforcement, and a rebirth of some some traditional practices that had faded, including their language.

The Gitxaala Nation…
…sees much-needed benefits from LNG development, but long-term benefits won’t simply come on a silver platter.

For the Haisla First Nation
LNG is spelled HOPE. Says Chief Councillor Crystal Smith: “We see significant employment for our members, access to educational opportunities, and a way forward for a truly independent nation.” And respect for the environment.

Stellat’en Nation
Chief Archie Patrick welcomes LNG-related development — if it protects the environment and the Nation’s water. Check out the video in Resource Works’ Homeland Journey series.

And a series of nations…
…have signed work-agreements with TransCanada’s Coastal GasLink pipeline. These preceded the positive Final Investment Decision on the LNG Canada project at Kitimat, and went into effect when that decision was announced.