
Haisla Nation supports LNG development

The following letter was publicly posted on 15 March 2018 by the Haisla First Nation, a couple of days after it was sent to BC Green Party leader Andrew Weaver:  A recent blog post by BC Green Party leader Dr. Andrew Weaver criticized the LNG industry, and the government for promoting it. Building an LNG …

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LNG in B.C. on First Nations’ terms

Our Karen Ogen-Toews in The Vancouver Sun: It’s time for activists, who paint First Nations as overwhelmingly opposed to LNG and natural-resource development, to allow First Nations to speak for ourselves. Indeed, it’s dismaying to find that some environmental activists are trying to control First Nations territories, just as governments and corporations have done in …

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First Nations, LNG, and eco-activists

LNG Alliance CEO Karen Ogen-Toews is dismayed by some environmental activists. A special opinion piece first published in The Interior News, Smithers: The days when First Nations take a back seat on how their territories are managed are past. In fact it is dismaying to find that some environmental activists are trying to control First …

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First Nations LNG Alliance Newsletter