First Nations LNG Alliance

Grassroots Group Promotes LNG in Fort St. John

Since the conditional federal approval of the Pacific NorthWest LNG (PNW LNG) project was announced on B.C.’s north coast last October, many people are eagerly awaiting its final investment decision (FID). Pro-LNG grassroots group Fort St. John for LNG (FSJ for LNG) has been working towards getting LNG projects underway at the local level. They are doing this …

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$30 million Aboriginal Skills Development Fund enters final year of allocation

For many, the anticipated jobs that will result from LNG projects can’t come soon enough. However, the delays in getting LNG projects going in B.C. also represents a valuable opportunity for First Nations. These delays have provided the time needed for First Nations members to build new skills and get trained for the higher paying, …

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Funding available to First Nations for environmental assessment participation

A common question: Do First Nations communities impacted by resource development projects in B.C. have a legitimate voice in the environmental assessment process? If so, how? Proposed LNG projects often come with the worry that the regulation decisions around environmental impacts to First Nations’ territories are made elsewhere, without the impacted nation’s input or involvement. …

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First Nations receive funding for education, skills training, and economic development

There are many resource development projects that have been proposed throughout B.C., and with them will come jobs and related economic opportunities. However, due to changing markets and slowed approval processes, it’s unclear when these proposed projects will get the green light. Because of this, it can be difficult to know what kind of job …

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First Nations LNG Alliance Newsletter